Small Self
Administered Schemes

What is


Your pension will be registered as a self-administered pension scheme (SSAS), which is where an company can set up a pension scheme for it’s directors. Therefore, to set up a SSAS with Retirement Capital, you must be a director of a limited company and this must be verifiable at Companies House as a trading business. We cannot accept dormant businesses or new start-ups that are not trading.

We are for business owners who want more control and choice over how their pension is invested.

How It Works

1 - Select type of transfer

Either move the funds in the current share/investment form, or transfer over the cash equivalent.

2 - Provide us with information

Let us know who your previous pensions were with and send us any paperwork you may have.

3 - Financial advisor details

If you already have a financial adviser, then send us their details. If not, let us know if you want one!

4 - Initiate the transfer

We will contact your financial adviser to start the transfer process or provide you with support if you don’t have one.

How your pension

is protected

Experienced Team, a Verifiable Solution

With Retirement Capital, you are connected into the right partnership for your wealth creation success story. 30 years combined experience has gone into the development of a ground breaking pension product that is both innovative and risk based in it’s approach to protect you and us. We are ISO ceritifed across business lines and are accredited for our services.

Secure Identity Checks

We rigorously check the identity of all SSAS customers, and all directors being enrolled into the pension to combat identity fraud. We also have strict security on the app to ensure people are unable to access your information. We have joined up with Yoti for identity verification, who are the 1st Government approved digital ID provider.

ICO Registered

Our ICO registration number is ZA743823 and you can view our certificate on the ICO Website. We ensure that we handle your data securely and comply with all GDPR laws.

The Tax Benefits of an SSAS

Contributions you make into your SSAS will be eligible for tax relief. If you are a business, you will get a tax deduction as an allowable business expenses.

If you pay in personally and are a basic rate taxpayer, you will get a 20% top up. That means for every £80 net of basic rate you pay into your pension, HMRC adds £20 into your pension! Those on a higher tax band will be able to claim addition tax relief through their tax return.

Our handy Retirement Capital tax calculators will be able to work out exactly what you’re going to get back so you can keep your contributions in check.